Category Archives: General

20th December 2022

Jeff Lewis gives his final market review of 2022

Jeff Lewis. director of RobMac signs off the year with a review of the markets in what has undoubtedly been a difficult year.   For much of the past 30 years markets have enjoyed a benign backdrop of low inflation, falling interest rates and sustained economic growth. This has been a supportive environment for both … Continue reading “Jeff Lewis gives his final market review of 2022”

8th November 2022

Interest rates and market outlook

RobMac director, Jeff Lewis takes a look at the interest rates and the market outlook and what it means for the overall economy. It’s not all bad.   “Last week was a big one for central banks in the US and UK as both raised rates by 0.75 % in a further attempt to combat … Continue reading “Interest rates and market outlook”

17th September 2021

Is Hydrogen the next Big Thing?

Following from our last post about ESG and sustainability we were intrigued by an article all about Hydrogen by one of investment partners, Waverton. In the article, the author argues that while Hydrogen has been heralded as a climate change saviour for a number of years, there is increasing evidence suggesting that this now becoming … Continue reading “Is Hydrogen the next Big Thing?”

24th June 2021

Third year in a row for RobMac to feature in the Citywire Pimco Regional Survey of top financial advisers

RobMac are delighted to once again feature as one of the top financial advisers in Scotland. Citywire and Pimco  have collaborated to produce a regional shortlist of 20 advisers across all regions. They have concluded that financial advisers have faced the challenge head on, innovating to meet the needs of clients today and shaping their … Continue reading “Third year in a row for RobMac to feature in the Citywire Pimco Regional Survey of top financial advisers”

15th April 2021

A Message for Younger Investors

As regular readers of our news items will know, we do tend to focus on issues that impact on those that already have mortgages, financial plans and pensions in place. But the truth is much of the advice that we give is just as relevant to those starting out on their financial journey. In fact, … Continue reading “A Message for Younger Investors”

14th March 2021

The Budget 2021 – Time to Plan Ahead

Andrew Hannay, director at RobMac reviews the recent budget and explores the options for savers. The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak made clear in his budget presentation that the COVID-19 hike was huge and would have to be met ultimately by the UK taxpayer. Much of the initial burden will fall upon corporate taxpayers and no one … Continue reading “The Budget 2021 – Time to Plan Ahead”

7th January 2021

A New Year message from RobMac

A good New Year to one and all. Let’s hope that 2021 will eventually see the back of the COVID pandemic and life returning to normal. But as the current restrictions stand our message is very much the same as it was back in March of last year: “Our operations, which are primarily conducted from … Continue reading “A New Year message from RobMac”

12th June 2020

Video Conferencing – Some useful tips on the Do’s and Don’ts

Right from the start of lockdown we understood the importance of maintaining communications with our clients and prospects. So, we have set up an online booking system where people can book a time to meet with one of our financial or mortgage consultants through video conferencing. It is simple to use. Just select a suitable … Continue reading “Video Conferencing – Some useful tips on the Do’s and Don’ts”

10th January 2019

Top 10 New Year Financial Resolutions

Andrew Hannay has outlined a few top tips for enjoying a healthier financial position in 2019: 1. Health Check – go for a medical. This will help set your expectations. 2. Budget. Calculate your income against your outgoings and plan. 3. Rebroke your all your insurances. There’s lots of savings to be made by switching … Continue reading “Top 10 New Year Financial Resolutions”

21st August 2018

When you should seek independent financial advice?

In light of the recent publicity surrounding people losing their pension pot to criminal scams, it’s important to understand the options that are available to you. If your investments, pension and mortgage are all straightforward, then there is probably limited benefit in seeking independent financial advice. There are a number of services out there that … Continue reading “When you should seek independent financial advice?”