News & Views

Monthly Archives: October 2021

Do the recent financial forecasts signal the end to low-cost mortgage deals?

29th October 2021

The recent news and forecasts coming from the banks and the treasury suggest that we are about to see the end of the very low cost of borrowing. Already this week HSBC, NatWest and Barclays have raise...

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The October Review by Jeff Lewis

21st October 2021

In his regular column, Jeff Lewis director at RobMac gives his excellent summary overview of the US & UK economies and investment markets. [caption id="attachment_2673" align="alignnone" width=...

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Following the Megatrends

18th October 2021

One of our favourite fund managers, the Geneva based Pictet have been at the forefront of sustainable investing for many years. And in partnership with Mega they explore the Megatrends are a discrete ...

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