News & Views

Jeff Lewis identifies some key factors during economic uncertainty

27th March 2020

It seems that no country has been spared the Coronavirus pandemic which is having such devastating consequences around the world. In addition to the tragic loss of life which will impact so many families and communities, there will be the economic fallout from businesses having to stop work and populations having to stay at home.

Jeff Lewis, director at RobMac


Against this gloomy and uncertain outlook, Jeff Lewis, director at Edinburgh based financial advisers RobMac, looks for some positives that may emerge in investment markets:

  • Policy makers are supporting the economy and will do more to provide liquidity if required
  • Keeping staff in place & not laid off means business can bounce back quicker once we are through the worst of it
  • Weaker firms will fail but assuming you are invested in more of the successful businesses then they will bounce back quicker & become stronger
  • New firms will emerge with perhaps less debt
  • The digital world and b2b companies that embrace this may be more productive in the future ,
  • In future people may balance work & home life better for a healthier happier and more productive workforce
  • The debt will need repaid in time but it’ll be like war loan so interest rates very low so the cost is less dramatic on public finances

Jeff summed up by saying “When things look at their worst it is normally the best time to invest and holding nerve is important so as not to crystallise losses. So while things don’t look great in the short term, we’ll certainly be working closely with our clients to advise them of the best options available to secure their future”.

If any of the above is of interest to you and you would like to discuss your financial position further, you can arrange to meet with one of our financial advisers by scheduling a meeting here>>