News & Views


What will things look like in the future?

19th March 2021

We will meet on a regular basis to review your plan and check that it is on track to meet your goals, no one knows the future but planning for it gives you the best change of reaching your goals....

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How many years have you been investing?

We have been managing client portfolios since 1992. Using a variety of techniques that have been honed and improved over time....

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Where do you invest client funds?

Our policy is to decide on investment strategy and then outsource the management of this to professional fund managers....

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Should I spread my investment?

Generally, the answer is almost certainly yes. Your investments will include UK and overseas shares, gilts, infrastructure, and other assets....

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What does a good strategy look like?

This should contain a broad spread of assets and be managed in line with our philosophy, your attitude to risk and need for risk, timelines, and goals....

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Will you challenge me if you disagree with my thoughts?

Our clients’ discussions are many and varied, no two are the same. At all times we will let you know if we disagree with an action you wish to pursue if we feel this will cause you financial harm. W...

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Are you concerned about the planet?

Yes, we take environmental, social and governance matters seriously. Our portfolios and fund manager partners cannot screen out every perceived area of investment that might be regarded as non-green, ...

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Tell me about the financial planning process

Financial planning is a multi-step process that provides you with two important things: An in-depth review of your current position. A roadmap that shows you how to reach your goals and object...

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What are your timescales?

We feel cash in the bank is the right place for 6 months spare expenditure, a holiday fund and tax purposes in the next 12 months. Once this is covered then any spare income or capital can be inves...

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How do you create a financial roadmap?

First, we focus on your goals, objectives, values, and priorities. Your immediate goal may be to reduce tax, current and future income taxes or to save for your children. University education may b...

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