News & Views

Glad to be back at work – Not So Fast!

24th September 2020

After months of working from home, the team at RobMac are delighted to be back at work in the office  continuing to work from home. While Business will continued as normal through remote working, it’s not the same as being able catch up over a socially distanced coffee!

The team at RobMac put in a brief appearance before returning home!


We could go on amending last week’s news item but it’s probably just quicker to say that following the Scottish Government’s announcement on Tuesday 22 September, it means that RobMac will revert to it’s previous COVID-19 working procedures:

  • All but essential staff will work from home for the next 3 weeks at which point the position will be reviewed in light of any changes announced by the Scottish Government
  • Meetings with clients or prospects will no longer take place face to face (unless absolutely necessary) and will be carried out remotely by phone, email or virtually via Zoom
  • Business will continue as normal as it has done for the last 6 months

If there is any change to the above, we will of course let you know.

If any of the above is of interest to you and you would like to discuss your mortgage further, you can arrange to meet either face to face or online with one of our financial advisers by scheduling a meeting here >>