News & Views

Better News for home owners and first time buyers as mortgage rates get competitive

22nd April 2021

Alison Mitchell, director at Robmac and their mortgage management expert is delighted with the recent news of the launch of a 5% deposit mortgage scheme.

Alison Mitchell – Senior Mortgage Advisor


“This news will be music to many ears!

After the Scottish First home fund ran out in less than a week, this news will be the saviour to many.

Lenders are gradually extending the 95% LTV option to their own portfolio as well as the government backed scheme.  I welcome this as it will ultimately start to reduce the 85/90% product rates as well.

Allowing the first time buyer to buy, will keep the next time buyers moving, with more choice of product and less stress on saving that 10/15%, we hope to see a continually strong market throughout 2021.”

For the full story that appeared on the BBC click here>>

If any of the above is of interest to you and you would like to discuss your mortgage further, you can arrange to meet online with one of our financial advisers by scheduling an online meeting here >>