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Top Up Your Pension before the March 2020 Budget

Top Up Your Pension before the March 2020 Budget

6th March 2020

The rumours associated with former Chancellor Sajid Javid suggested he was considering changes to the current pensions tax relief to make the system fairer for those on lower incomes which includes cu...

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Is your pension at the centre of a budget battleground?

Is your pension at the centre of a budget battleground?

18th October 2018

Rumours abound that the chancellor is preparing a raid on tax reliefs. The Sunday Times looks at how this might affect your retirement savings. Pensions are shaping up to be the main cause of contr...

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Is it time to cash in on your pension?

11th July 2017

Article in Sunday Herald 25 June by Margaret Taylor, Personal Finance Editor   Former chancellor George Osborne's changes to pensions in 2015 has allowed anyone aged 55 or over to withdraw ...

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