News & Views

5 Reasons to speak with an Independent Financial Advisor

30th May 2019

Well of course, you’d expect us to say that you need to speak to an IFA, but here are some genuine reasons why you will benefit from doing so. You might even enjoy the experience!

1. It’s good to talk
As the current Lloyds TV ad promotes; “It’s good to talk about money”. Talking about your financial situation shouldn’t be a taboo subject. And it shouldn’t be left until your options become more limited.

Discussing your situation with an IFA can be cathartic too. Everyone’s position will be different, so sharing it with someone who has experience of a wide variety of financial situations can often help.

2. It’ll save you time
“Trop de choix tue le choix” is the French expression which means that if you have too much choice it kills choice and you end up not making any decision at all. In our digital world, we now have a plethora of choice facing us, whether that is for investment vehicles, mortgages, insurances etc. and it is often difficult to know where to start.

We all lead busy lives and don’t necessarily have the time to assess all the options, especially if there are a number of factors in play. That is where an experienced IFA can help. They have access to all products are available and can therefore assess what is the most suitable for you, so you not only get a recommendation specific to your situation, but you save a whole load of time too.

3. You’ll save money
You can save money by reviewing your existing situation.  A recent Which report showed that 25% of mortgage owners pay too much. A re-mortgage can often save a significant amount on monthly repayments. This is usually true with other forms of insurance too.

Your IFA will be able to point you to the best options that are available as they have access to the whole of market products rather than the limited range from individual organisations.

4. Advice that is tailored for you
As previously mentioned, everyone’s situation is different. This may be because of life events such as buying your first property or planning for retirement. Each will need different short, medium and long term outcomes. If you add that each person’s attitude to risk is also different, then you can see that there are many variants in play.

By understanding your requirements, then your IFA will be able to take you through your options tailored to your situation. And remember the final decision will always be yours.

5. Regular reviews will keep you in touch and adjust if required
You need to be reassured that the decisions you make are the right ones for you. A regular review with your IFA will let you assess your situation and if you need to make any adjustments. Your own circumstances may have changed that will allow you to modify your position.

In addition, changes to the law may mean that other options are now available to you and your IFA might make any necessary adjustments. situation.

If you would like to talk with an IFA then please click on the link to arrange an appointment.